Attributes of Educational Institutions that May Predict the Preference of Parents and Guardians


  • Mario Garay Universidad de Magallanes
  • Mario Sillard Universidad de Magallanes



School Admission System, school choice, educational subsidy, Inclusion Law, school segregation, educational management


This research enquires the enrollment behaviour with the School Admission System (SAE) for the period 2020, applied for the first time in all regions of Chile. The study seeks to measure the statistical relationship between certain schools" attributes and the parents" preferences of preschool and first grade students. Through the application of a multiple linear regression model, the set of independent variables considered in this study explains one third of the variability of the demand attracted by schools. The results obtained by schools in standardized testing (SIMCE) and the percentage of vulnerable students enrollment (IVE) appear as the main predictor variables.

This study seeks to contribute to the theoretical debate regarding the phenomenon of choosing an educational institution in Chile. At the same time, it introduces the SAE, and the data that it generates as a source of information, into the field of educational research, which can be crucial to planning the strengthening of the Educational System and providing a more balanced offer to students.


