Risks during the Transition to Tertiary Education: Narratives of How They Are Perceived and Managed by Students





access to higher education, access to higher vocational training, students’ transition, educational tracks


Access to tertiary education through university pathways, on the one hand, and vocational education, on the other, brings different degrees of risks. When students make their choices, they are assessing the risk they are willing to take, and this raises questions of equity according to the social prestige of each pathway. In this paper we explore how students from diverse social backgrounds make educational choices, how they experience their educational pathway and the future prospects they advance. The data come from 19 interviews with vocational training and university students (2017/2018). Students differ in some respects according to their social background: when an upper-middle class student chooses the vocational training pathway, they tend to come into conflict with their family; working class students experience their relationship with money in a tenser way. On the other hand, they all show great optimism about academic future and work success.


