The opportunities future primary teachers face for getting prepared to teach mathematics in Chile.


  • Leonor Varas Universidad de Chile
  • Patricio Felmer Universidad de Chile
  • Grecia Gálvez Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Renato Lewin Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Claudio Martínez Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación
  • Silvia Navarro Ministerio de Educación
  • Andrés Ortiz Universidad de Concepción
  • Gloria Schwarze Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile



mathematics, mathematics instruction, primary school, teaching


This article shows preliminary results from a study aimed to recognize the opportunities future primary school teachers face in order to get prepared to teach mathematics. The study considered curricula for 36 careers and programs on mathematics and mathematics instruction for 12 careers. Moreover, it used tests and surveys to students at two levels in four careers (studied in further details), including a survey applied to their teachers. The study revealed that the number of courses on mathematics and mathematics instruction is not enough to meet the needs, a lack of important issues in school curricula (weak and confusing), a poor performance of these students in regard of elementary mathematics questions and a wider majority of advanced students who consider they receive inefficient information about mathematics and mathematics instruction.


