La formación de profesionales y la misión de la Universidad: políticas académicas de la Universidad Diego Portales.


  • José Julio León Universidad Diego Portales
  • Raquel Morales Universidad Diego Portales



Starting from the University's generic mission, the demands posed by the overall context and the new challenges faced by universities, the paper describes in broad terms the academic policies of the Universidad Diego Portales, emphasizing its educational role. After listing the general objectives that guide the academic functions of the University, the paper explains the main components of these policies: comprehensive education, curricular flexibility, methodological innovation, academic assessment, enhanced development and tools for academic management. The conclusion, consistent with the "idea" of a University as a "constant search", is that the objective is to educate students who are more independent, critical, creative and who have more self-esteem. In short, the idea is to educate students in and for freedom.


