Regulación de las profesiones:¿Estado o mercado?. El entorno normativo para el diseño y ejecución de una política pública de las profesiones en Chile.


  • José Julio León Universidad Diego Portales
  • Carlos Peña Universidad Diego Portales



This paper analyzes the suitability of strengthening the regulatory framework and public policies in the setting of the relations between citizens and professionals who graduate from officially recognized higher education centers. In the labor market and in exercising their profession, citizens themselves are affected by asymmetries in information about the ideal skills required by individuals who hold a given degree or university title. This situation has been intensified by the increasing number of higher education centers, rising enrolment figures at this level of education, the variety of degrees offered and,
ultimately, the statute of total autonomy granted to these organizations. A review of the Chilean legal framework and a comparison with others appears to indicate that State action can be enhanced in terms
of regulating the supply of professional degrees.


