A qualification framework for the training and certification of labor competencies in Chile.


  • Carolina Solís Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo (SENCE)
  • Ramón Castillo Comisión Nacional de Competencias Laborales, ChileValora
  • Trinidad Undurraga Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo (SENCE)




Qualification framework, labor market, job training, skills certification, public policy


This article sets out the background for the design and installation of a qualification framework for job training and skills certification in Chile. Firstly, it presents weaknesses and challenges of the national labor market and the objective of public policies to intervene the vocational training systems and the certification of job skills. That reveals the usefulness of a qualification framework to articulate and align both systems. It reviews the current status of qualification frameworks in different countries and the experience of Chile and presents a synthesis of the views of some stakeholders in respect to the feasibility and operation conditions of a qualifications framework for those systems. Finally, it formulates principles and criteria about operation and projections of the application of this instrument.


