Quality assurance in the management of higher education institutions: expectations and challenges


  • Cristóbal Silva Instituto Profesional DUOC UC




management, accreditation, evaluation, quality


This article comments the study carried out by Professor Raul Atria for the Higher Council of Education of Chile (Consejo Superior de Educación, CSE), based on the self-evaluation reports of certain universities members of the Council of Presindents (Consejo de Rectores), under the pilot process of institutional accreditation recently developed by the National Commission for Accreditation (Comisión Nacional de Acreditación, CNAP), and discussed in the report "Management of Universities Belonging to the Council of Presidents" published in this same issue of Calidad en la Educación. The lessons that can be extracted from the pilot experience contribute useful background to appreciate their impact on the management of the accredited universities themselves, as well as on the challenges that the future accreditation processes must face, and the definitions that this demands in public policies on higher education.


