Capital humano avanzado y desarrollo: un desafío de política pública para Chile en el tercer milenio.


  • Claudia Rodríguez CRUCH
  • María Isabel Munita Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile



In recent decades, Chile has experienced strong and sustained economic growth. This has placed the country in leading position in the region in terms of competitiveness and, furthermore, it has turned Chile into a place of preference for foreign investment. However, public policies are urgently required to encourage and develop a critical mass of advanced human capital at different levels, disciplines and fields of application. The authors propose that one of the challenges involved in training advanced human capital in Chile is for the higher education system to take on the structural transformations required to provide what is currently understood as continuing education throughout a person's lifetime, so as to permanently adapt to the new conditions imposed by scientific and technological development and by the labor market.


