El desarrollo de la lingüística y los estudios de cuarto nivel en nuestro país.


  • Marianne Peronard Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso




In the 20th century, science experienced major changes in terms of its epistemological grounds. Linguistics did not escape this process and, in part, this accounts for the manifold opinions on what its object of study should be. However, there is one fact that remains unchallenged: the acknowledged importance assigned to the role that language plays in the most varied aspects of human life and, consequently, the close connections that can exist between linguistics and other human disciplines. Nevertheless, it is amazing to verify how few possibilities exist in Chile to pursue indepth studies in this important discipline. We believe that this situation will change in future as the academic and professional communities discover the diversity and importance of multidisciplinary applications that emerge from an enhanced knowledge of what language entails.


