Higher education extramural activities in brief.


  • Patricio Donoso Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile




Although extramural activities are one oJ the fundamental tasks carried out by universities, they have received very  little attention compared to other university duties, such as research and teaching.

This lack of concern for the subject has translated into multiple different views and opinions on the meaning, the scope and the importance of extramural activities, which many people with dissemination. Others do not make a distinction between academic extramural activities, continuing education or cultural and artistic extension. Some people view activities carried out by university services as extramural activities while others do not. OnIy a few acknowledge extramural activities not only as a tool and a platform to project university thinking and creation but also as a space and a possibility for contact with the needs and requirements of society.

Therefore, extramural activities carried out by universities are viewed by some as a supplementary function while others consider it to be a primordial duty in the actions implemented by a university. The purpose of this article is to provide a first approach to the subject of extramural activities implemented by universities, based primarily on a review of historical elements and an analysis in light oJ the author experience in this matter


